Wednesday 26 March 2014

Incubators for Dinosaur Eggs

Helping our new friend - Dilly Dinosaur

At long last we met the dinosaur who came crashing through our classroom, and we were surprised to find out, she needs our help. It turns out that the egg we found when we were dinosaur hunters (but we're not going to eat them!) was taken from Dilly when she was out searching for nesting materials.

Dilly told us that she was expecting to lay more eggs and needed our help to look after them whilst she searched for a way to return home. 

We agreed to help! These pictures show us making our dinosaur egg incubators. It's a good job we know so much about electrical circuits!!

Soon we'll write out the instructions for you in case you should ever need to make a dinosaur egg incubator. 



Thursday 20 March 2014

Walkley Primary School Games Night Fundraiser

Thursday 27th March.  Burnaby Hall. 7-9:30PM

Let's take time out for a social event for parents, staff and friends of Walkley Primary, to share the community spirit, laughing, having fun and raising money for our school!

£2 ticket will entitle you to drinks and nibbles! Please order tickets ASAP so we can organise catering.  Return your slip to school in a marked envelope.

Donations of prizes gratefully received.  Please pass on to Mrs Jinkinson ASAP.

This is an ADULT ONLY event!

Sunday 2 March 2014

Welcome Back Gruffalos

Spring Term 2 is here!

Welcome back Gruffalos, I'm looking forward to seeing you all in class and ready for a term of hard work and fun!

So, how did you get on with your time homework? Do you all know how to measure time? Quarter past and quarter to?

For some extra practise, try these links...

 bbc bitesize - telling the time.

See you soon!